About Us
We aim to encourage church leaders.
Founded in 2006, T4G is a three-day, biennial conference filled with preaching, fellowship, singing, and books.
Why We Gather
Every other year, pastors and church leaders from over 25 denominations, all 50 states, and 62 nations gather at Together for the Gospel. While we have our differences, we are committed to standing together for the main thing—the gospel of Jesus Christ.
What We Believe
At the inaugural T4G, we adopted a series of theological positions in the form of affirmations and denials.
As false gospels circulate and pastors are tempted to bow to cultural pressures, we remain convinced that the church is in a moment of spiritual crisis. Fifteen years following our first gathering, buoyed by Christ’s promise that the gates of hell will not prevail against it, we remain convinced of the need for a full and gladdening recovery of the gospel in the church.
“The vision of Christ that we have together isn’t a hazy vision. If you have a hazy Christ, you have a hazy fellowship. If you have a clear, delineated Christ, magnificent in all of his ways and all of his work, then you have a magnificent camaraderie.”
— John Piper

The Ambassador
Me after absorbing @greggilbert message on the gospel. I the suffering, dying, rising KING Jesus!

Bijan Mahlouji
My 3 year old watching John Piper preach: “What’s he so happy about? ” My wife: “He’s happy about God.” @JohnPiper #T4G20

Alex DiPrima
@T4Gorg has been such a wonderful source of encouragement & edification in my life. That said, if you asked me yesterday, what is the single greatest way to improve this conference, I would have answered, invite Sinclair Ferguson to preach. Done.

This has fully been the best @T4Gorg that I’ve been to, and I didn’t think that was possible. #T4G20

C.J. Moore
I was here, so I’m not sure how I missed this, but @MarkDever’s sermon at @T4Gorg’s 2016 meeting is possibly the best sermon for pastors I’ve ever heard—so important for pastors and missionaries thinking through how to measure success.

Dane Hays
Imagine the power of 14,000 voices singing hymns of the faith and congregational songs that extol the gospel. An easy win. An easy way to honor our older saints. Look at @T4Gorg as a model.

David Tarkington
Once this sermon is shareable, every pastor, minister in training, and associate pastor in our church and network will be required to view the Ed Moore sermon. #T4G20

Henry Cruz
“Ministry is a calling you receive not a vocation you select….you’re not just called to preach it brothers you’re called to live it.” –@hbcharlesjr– His @t4g sermon on pastoral calling is really good! #t4g20

Kody Gibson
I’ve been to many T4G’s but never really attended if that makes sense. Always grinding at the booth. While I’m sad we can’t meet in person, I am absolutely loving this content. So refreshing to the soul. Thanks @T4Gorg!!! #T4G20

Matt Merker
And there you have it. The final word at #T4G20 comes from Proverbs 10:28: “The hope of the righteous brings joy.” What a glorious hope we have in Christ. Thank you @MarkDever, @LigonDuncan, @albertmohler and all the other speakers for blessing us immensely.

Rudy Dolloso Jr

Sam Brown
While this #T4G20 has been unusual, it has also been one of the best I’ve attended (I missed ‘06 and ‘10). Didn’t even register until the physical gathering was cancelled. I’m so glad that I did for the livestream. This has been excellent.

Adam Moore
“He runs faster to us than we run to him. That’s the goodness of God.” @RevKevDeYoung #T4G20

Jonathan Leeman
How often do you spend an hour thinking about and meditating on the goodness of God? Listen to @RevKevDeYoung‘s @T4Gorg talk and treat yourself to that blessing. #T4G20

David Bunce
“Run to win the prize. Fight to win the prize.” –@hbcharlesjr on 1 Cor. 9:24-27. Thankful for a timely and powerful message from a much respected brother in Christ from my hometown. #T4G20

Drew M
This #T4G20 panel on Covenant Theology is the best. So good to see discussion about a much debated topic with gentleness, respect, and humor.

Alex DiPrima
@T4Gorg has been such a wonderful source of encouragement & edification in my life. That said, if you asked me yesterday, what is the single greatest way to improve this conference, I would have answered, invite Sinclair Ferguson to preach. Done.

Isaac Adams
What faithful pastors can expect on Judgment Day: To Rest. To be confirmed. To be vindicated. To be rewarded. To be humbled. To be surprised. To be reunited. To give an account. To love and be loved. To know a joy in God which we’ve never known before and which will never end. #T4G20

John Lee
Great time listening to @T4Gorg and discussing talks with @BBCbellflower members. Not being able to gather was a huge vacancy, but the talks and panels were excellent. Looking forward to 2022! May God continue to bear fruit in his churches!

Jonathan Hayashi
I have always had a dispensationalism view in eschatology rather than covenantal view, but this conversation has really got me thinking. Thank you @albertmohler, @LigonDuncan and @MarkDever for leading this panel discussion on Covenant Theology. #T4G20

Josh Manley
On the last day, we may expect… 1. Rest 2. To be confirmed 3. To be vindicated 4. To be rewarded 5. To be humbled 6. To be surprised 7. To be reunited 8. To give an account 9. To love and to be loved 10. To rejoice in God A soaring end to #T4G20. Thank you @MarkDever.

Josh Scherrer

Justin Cook
Pastor friends, you won’t want to miss this. Few things encourage my soul like @T4Gorg
Preach the gospel with boldness
Sing the gospel with thousands
Give me lots of free books
Can I get an amen?

Kit Johnson
I hope that Kevin DeYoung preaching an attribute of God remains a staple of T4G. #T4G20

Matt Smethurst
Grateful for @T4Gorg. Great talks, great discussions—so well done given the circumstances. #T4G20

Michael Fontanilla
Thank you @T4Gorg for proceeding with the livestream and for these books. Looking forward to 2022. #T4G20 #libros

the Sawah
Finally listening to the #T4G20 panel on complementarianism, and so encouraged to find that I’m not alone in my gender to believe the biblicalness of it!

Paul Samson
Wow! First time ever hearing Ed Moore preach, and he is hitting it out of the park! So encouraging to small rural church pastor. @T4Gorg #T4G20

Matt Crawford
Hear that? It’s my heart breaking since it’s the last day of the conference #t4g20

Josh Wilson
I could listen to Kevin DeYoung teach on the attributes of God all day. So good. #T4G20