T4G22 Digital Exhibit Hall
The purpose of Crossway has been, from its founding as a not-for-profit ministry in 1938, to publish gospel-centered, Bible-centered content that will honor our Savior and serve his Church. We seek to help people understand the massive implications of the gospel and the truth of God’s Word, for all of life, for all eternity, and for the glory of God.
ABWE is a global family of ministries that exists to fulfill the Great Commission by multiplying leaders, churches, and missions movements among every people.
Desiring God
Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. Desiring God is on a mission to change that. All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ.
Radius international
We equip potential missionaries for long-term pioneer church planting among unreached language groups. Radius is not a sending agency but rather a training school that evaluates and trains church members with the needed skills for church planting in difficult areas around the world.
Reformed Theological Seminary
The mission of RTS is to serve the Church by preparing its leaders with a priority on pastors, and including missionaries, educators, counselors, and others, through a program of graduate theological education, based upon the authority of the inerrant Word of God, and committed to the Reformed Faith. RTS has campuses in seven states, and offers online and hybrid programs.
The Southern Baptist theological seminary
THE MINISTRY LEADERS of the 21st century won’t need less theological training — they’ll need more. That’s why when many seminaries offer faster, easier, simpler, we embrace deeper, richer, and stronger.
Westminster Theological Seminary
“But to Christ, despite all, we hold.” These are the words from founder J. Gresham Machen that launched Westminster almost 100 years ago—and they have remained true to Westminster’s conviction ever since.
Zondervan, part of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc., is a world leading Bible publisher and provider of Christian communications, publishing Bibles for all ages in multiple translations, including NIV, NASB, NRSV, NIrV, KJV, NKJV and Amplified.
Equipping church leaders with a biblical vision and practical resources for building healthy churches
At 20schemes, our desire is to see Scotland’s housing schemes transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ through the revitalisation and planting of gospel-preaching churches.
Acts 29
Acts 29 is a diverse, global community of healthy, multiplying churches characterized by theological clarity, cultural engagement, and missional innovation.
Association of Certified Biblical Counselors
We seek to strengthen the Church to speak the truth in love by providing a quality training and certification process, a global network of like-minded individuals and institutions, and a source of practical and biblical resources for the Church.
In short, we seek to bring biblical solutions for the problems people face.
B&H Publishing
B&H Publishing Group, an imprint of Lifeway Christian Resources, is a team that believes Every Word Matters®. We seek to provide intentional, biblical content that positively impacts the hearts and minds of people, cultivating lifelong relationships with Jesus Christ.
Bethlehem College & Seminary
Under the authority of God’s inerrant word, Bethlehem College & Seminary exists to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples through Jesus Christ by equipping men and women to treasure Christ above all things, to grow in wisdom and knowledge over a lifetime, and to glorify God in every sphere of life.
Bible Translation Fellowship
BTF exists to integrate Bible translation with the mission of the church. 90% of the world’s languages don’t have God’s Word, yet God has people in these languages. They need your help. Let’s partner together to identify, train, affirm, send, and support godly pastor-translators and generalist missionaries who translate and train ministers of the Word.
Biblical Counseling Center
Biblical Counseling Center was started in 1989 to Help Churches Care for People. We provide counseling, training and resources to equip churches to care with confidence, competence and compassion. More than being a counseling center, our mission is to multiply our work as a training center, assisting churches in reaching the hurting in their own church and community.

Biblical Eldership Resources
The Bible teaches that the local church should be led by a team of biblically qualified men called elders, serving as under-shepherds of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our mission is to provide teaching, resources, training and mentoring for current and future church leaders who will implement, practice, and teach biblical eldership as the model for church leadership.
Brotherhood Mutual
Brotherhood Mutual insures America’s Christian churches and related ministries. We have for more than 100 years. We provide comprehensive property, liability, commercial auto, and workers’ compensation insurance. In addition to our customized insurance programs, we also serve ministries through payroll services and mission travel insurance.
Cairn University
Cairn University is uncompromising in its commitment to biblical truth, academic excellence, and real-world preparation. At Cairn, you will be challenged, inspired, and prepared for what God has called you to. Choose from over 80 undergraduate and graduate programs—offered both on campus and online. Learn more at cairn.edu/T4G.
Cass Commercial Bank
Cass Bank has been honored to serve Church’s financing needs for the last 27 years. Our desire is to partner together to release resources for kingdom impact. Cass supports the financing needs for build out’s, purchases, or re-financing. Our generosity platform, Gyve, provides simple giving tools to maximize donations, and supply powerful and insightful analytics.
Cedarville University
Cedarville University is committed to providing excellent academics and intentional discipleship in submission to biblical authority to undergraduate, graduate, and dual-enrolled high school students. Students experience world-class education in a vibrant, truly Christian learning community.
Center for Biblical Worldview (FRC)
The mission of the Center for Biblical Worldview is to equip Christians with a biblical worldview and train them to advance and defend the faith in their families, communities, and the public square.
Charles Simeon Trust
We exist to promote the growth of the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world by training up the next generation of Biblical expositors. We offer interactive Workshops, Online Courses, a Residential Training Course, and resources for pastors and Bible teachers.
Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation
CCEF exists to restore Christ to counseling and counseling to the church. We believe that Christian growth catches fire where life and Scripture meet and that the body of Christ is God’s primary context for change. We seek to accomplish this mission through counseling, resources, classes, and events.

Christian Healthcare Ministries
Christian Healthcare Ministries is a budget-friendly, stable, biblical, and compassionate solution to healthcare cost for Christians in all 50 states and around the world. We’re not health insurance; rather, we’re the first and longest-serving health cost sharing ministry, having shared over $6 billion in our members’ medical bills.
Christian Standard Bible
The CSB is a Bible translation for everyone. A Bible translation that new believers can understand and one every believer can turn to for lifelong Discipleship. A Bible you can share with anyone you meet, no matter their background and teach from with confidence. A Bible clear for young children to understand and accurate for your personal study.
church directory app
Help your church members pray for one another through our app. We help members to share prayer requests and interests. Automatically pray through your entire membership directory in 14, 30, or 60 days.
Columbia International University
Columbia Biblical Seminary desires to equip you so that three qualities characterize you:
Biblical: able to interpret and apply the texts of Scripture accurately
Transformational: able to maintain an intimate walk with Jesus
Great Commission-Oriented: able to promote the proclamation of the gospel
Join us and be equipped to impact the nations with the message of Christ.
Compass Bible Institute
The goal of CBI is to provide a thorough biblical education which will prepare men and women for leadership in Christian ministry. CBI seeks to meet the training needs of those who will plant churches, those who aspire to full-time employment in Christian ministry, and those who desire to serve in key leadership roles as highly committed participants in their churches.
Covenant Eyes
For more than 20 years, Covenant Eyes has developed software and content to help people live lives of integrity, both online and off. Our goal is to equip people with the tools and resources they need to understand and overcome pornographic temptation.
We encourage the next generation to faithfully follow Jesus and find their role in making his name known among the nations.
Dallas Theological Seminary
The mission of Dallas Theological Seminary as a professional, graduate-level school is to glorify God by equipping godly servant-leaders for the proclamation of His Word and the building up of the body of Christ worldwide.
Dordt University
As an institution of higher education committed to the Reformed Christian perspective, Dordt University equips students, faculty, alumni, and the broader community to work toward Christ-centered renewal in all aspects of contemporary life. Dordt, located in Sioux Center, Iowa, has been ranked number one in student engagement six years in a row.
Faith Biblical Counseling Ministry
Faith Biblical Counseling Ministries exists to provide excellent training in God’s word. Biblical Counseling is the process where the Bible is related individually to a person who is struggling under the weight of personal sin and/or the difficulties with suffering so that he or she might genuinely change in the inner person to be pleasing to God
Frontlines Ministries
We believe that the assessing, equipping, and care of missionaries belongs primarily to the church. Frontlines exists to connect biblical soul care to missions through the local church by resourcing, training, and serving alongside to help them more fully live into their responsibility of missionary care.

Good Churches
Good Churches is an American-based fundraising effort aimed at backing a fully-vetted, financially efficient, church-based, indigineous pastor-training program with a proven track record located in a part of the world with overwhelming spiritual need, few resources, and governmental opposition.
Grimké Seminary
Grimké Seminary—training pastors and planters in the church, by the church, and for the church.

GuideStone® is one of the leading providers for retirement, medical, life and disability coverage, investment management and executive planning services to the evangelical Christian community. For more than 100 years, they have worked to enhance the security of more than 200,000 individuals.
Hope for Addiction
Gospel-centered, scripture-based program partnering with local churches to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to those struggling with addiction. With simple prep, our program is not based on “steps” but solely on the practical application of God’s Word, lived out daily. Integration into the local church is crucial for those rebuilding their lives free from addiction.

Hope for Appalachia
The 321 Network is a coalition of churches seeking to build healthy local churches and gospel partnerships in Central Appalachia. We do this by supporting and encouraging pastors, developing and training leaders, and revitalizing and planting churches. Our aim to fill this beautiful place with the glory of Christ and His gospel!
Hope for Appalachia is a Christ-centered non-profit seeking to care for and support men and women who are battling addiction in Central Appalachia.

Kregel Publications
Our mission as an evangelical Christian publisher is to develop and distribute—with integrity and excellence—trusted, biblically based resources that lead individuals to know and serve Jesus Christ.
Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary and Graduate School
Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary & Graduate School is a globally accessible, technologically advanced institution of higher learning that has focused on a student-first mission since 1933. Composed of undergraduate, adult and graduate students, LBC | Capital has a campus in Lancaster, Pa., sites in Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., and many online opportunities.
Lexham Press
Lexham Press seeks to increase biblical literacy, thoughtful Christian reflection, and faithful action around the world by publishing a range of Bible study materials, scholarly works, and pastoral resources.
Lifeline Children’s Services
Lifeline exists to equip the Body of Christ to manifest the gospel to vulnerable children. Our desire is to come alongside Christian families and churches with resources they will need to find and nurture children, as they become disciples who make disciples.
Live Global
Live Global passionately cultivates edifying relationships between the North American Church and ministries across the globe to multiply Gospel impact on their communities and beyond.
We love connecting pastors and churches to global opportunities to multiply gospel impact, and would love to serve you!

Matthias Media
Matthias Media exists to persuade all Christians of the truth of God’s purposes in Jesus Christ as revealed in the Bible, and equip them with high-quality resources, so that by the work of the Holy Spirit
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Midwestern Seminary and Spurgeon College serves the church by biblically educating God-called men and women to be and make disciples of Jesus Christ. We are looking for students who will be the next leaders of the church, completely dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commission.
Mile One Mission
Mile One Mission is a local Church planting initiative intended to plant Gospel-saturated neighbourhood churches throughout Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. We are in need of both partners, and labourers.
Ministry Grid
Ministry Grid is the online tool to develop and disciple your church. Use our 850+ pre-built training courses or customize your own. The possibilities are endless.
New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary prepares servants to walk with Christ, proclaim his truth, and fulfill his mission. Whether God is calling you as a pastor, missionary, counselor, youth minister, educator, worship leader, apologist, or something else entirely, NOBTS has a ministry training option for you.
ONE HOPE is a ministry of The Garden Church in west Baltimore. Through ONE HOPE, the church desires to sustain the work in west Baltimore and plant more churches in the inner city. Our ONE HOPE ministry strategies involve a few key components: Church Planting, Life Coaching, Youth Work, and Internships. Come pray and serve with us!
Phoenix Seminary
Phoenix Seminary exists to train men and women for Christ-centered ministry for the building up of healthy churches in Phoenix and beyond. Faculty include Wayne Grudem, Peter Gentry, John Meade, Peter Gurry, Steve Duby, and more. Phoenix Seminary is home to the Text & Canon Institute, producing academic research and resources that illuminate the history of the Bible.
Publish4All / Publish4Africa
Publish4All microPOD technology empowers indigenous peoples in the Majority World to print Bibles and books, create jobs and promote literacy while giving local authors a voice in their communities and potentially globally.
Radical exists to equip the church to be on mission. We serve the church by providing the following: biblical resources that help develop mature Christians and healthy churches, trusted avenues to financially support work among the unreached, and sound training to effectively go to the unreached.
Reaching & Teaching
Reaching & Teaching seeks to advance the gospel by making mature disciples, establishing healthy churches, and training local leaders around the world.

Reformed Youth Ministries
Reformed Youth Ministries (RYM) exists to serve the Church in reaching and equipping youth for Christ. Beginning in 1972 with one student conference, RYM has developed into three growing areas of ministry: conferences for youth, training for leaders, and resources for leaders, parents, and students. Each area is consciously God-centered, Word-driven, and Gospel-focused.
Rooted Ministry
Rooted Ministry equips and empowers churches and parents to faithfully disciple students toward life-long faith in Jesus Christ. Our vision is to transform youth ministry so that every student receives grace-filled, gospel-centered and Bible-saturated discipleship in the church and at home.
SEND Church Planting
Send Church Planting is an innovative ministry of the Denton Baptist Association that equips a pipeline of church planters to plant churches in Denton County. We are a church planting network that equips, trains, and coaches Church Planters to plant successful churches in Denton County.
Shepherd’s Staff Mission Facilitators
Shepherd’s Staff provides logistical and administrative support to local churches to equip them in the process of missionary sending. Our vision is simple, we serve churches and their missionaries, reaching the unreached with the love of Jesus Christ.
Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters
Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters exists to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the exposition of Scripture and personal relationships in order to equip the Church to impact this generation.
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary seeks to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by equipping students to serve the Church and fulfill the Great Commission. OUR MISSION: Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary seeks to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by equipping students to serve the Church and fulfill the Great Commission.
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
All Christians are called to pursue the Great Commission, and that includes you. Whatever theological education you need, we’ll help you find it. Whatever ministry experience it takes, we’ll help you build it. Whether you’re just beginning your journey, or have decades of experience, we will do whatever it takes to help you live your calling.

The Center for Biblical Living
The Center for Biblical Living (CBL) provides biblical counseling, mentoring, and marriage care for those in ministry. Whether you’re in the midst of a struggle or just need some encouragement, we offer help that points to the gospel and provides practical guidance. Virtual counseling is available.
The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission
The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission exists to assist churches by helping them understand the moral demands of the gospel, apply Christian principles to moral and social problems and questions of public policy, and to promote religious liberty in cooperation with the churches and other Southern Baptist entities.
The Expositors Seminary
The purpose of The Expositors Seminary is to magnify the glory of God by serving the local church through training, equipping, mentoring, and affirming men who are called by the Lord Jesus Christ into the ministry of the gospel.
The Go Fund
Student debt stops missionaries. The solution? Remove the student debt.
The Go Fund is on a mission to eliminate barriers to advance the gospel to the unreached.
The Good Book Company
All of us here at The Good Book Company are passionate about the Lord Jesus, his word, his church and his gospel. Motivated by this passion and our involvement in local churches, it is our privilege to create and publish biblical, relevant and accessible resources that will encourage you and your church family to keep going, keep growing and keep sharing your faith.

The MLJ Trust
Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899 – 1981) was a Welsh preacher who was influential in the Reformed wing of evangelicalism in the 20th century. In God’s providence, over 1,600 of his audio sermons, including his multiyear expositions on Romans and Ephesians, were preserved. The MLJ Trust exists to keep these sermons available for free download for anyone who wants them.
The Pillar Network
The Pillar Network is a community of SBC & International Baptist Churches that are doctrinally aligned, missionally driven, & committed to equipping, planting, & revitalizing churches, TOGETHER. Our churches share a common DNA: gospel proclamation, bible based, live exposition, elder led, confessionally baptistic & kingdom minded.

The Voice of the Martyrs
The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) is a nonprofit, interdenominational missions organization that serves persecuted Christians on the world’s most difficult and dangerous mission fields. Founded in 1967 by Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, VOM is dedicated to inspiring believers to deepen their commitment to Christ and to fulfill His Great Commission — no matter the cost.
Thomas Nelson Bibles
Thomas Nelson, one of the oldest and largest Bible publishers in the world, produces Bibles that display the authority and accuracy of God’s Word. Ultimately, our mission is to publish beautiful Bibles in multiple translations for every age and stage of life.
To Every Tribe
To Every Tribe exists to extend the worship of Christ among all peoples by mobilizing the church, training disciple-makers, and sending missionary teams to plant churches among the unreached. We are Reformed and Baptistic and robustly train all of our missionaries in cross-cultural church-planting. We are interested in partnering with your church
Truth78 inspires and equips the church and the home for the comprehensive discipleship of the next generations. Truth78 is a vision-oriented ministry for the next generations—that they may know, honor, and treasure God, setting their hope in Christ alone, so that they will live as faithful disciples for the glory of God.
Union University
Located in Jackson, Tennessee, and founded in 1823, Union University is a liberal arts-based university and the oldest institution affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. Union’s mission is to provide Christ-centered education that promotes excellence and character development in service to Church and society.
United? We Pray
Taking racial struggles to the throne of grace, United? We Pray is a ministry devoted to prayer about racial strife, especially between Christians.

WordPartners longs to see God’s Word flowing powerfully through every church to every nation. But for God’s life-giving Word to have its transforming effect, pastors around the world need to discover the depths of its richness and power. That’s why WordPartners is developing a team of global partners who encourage and equip pastors to teach God’s Word with God’s heart.