Additional Exhibitor Detail
Exhibit Hall Zones
Zone 1: The general Exhibit Hall area where most of the giveaway books will be placed for pick-up, the bookstore will be located centrally in this area, and the T4G22 Meal Plan will be in an adjacent room.
Zone 2: Booths along the main hallway entrance to the Exhibit Hall. Maximum visibility and traffic at these locations.

Exhibit hall booth
– Booth space (No booth is to be taller than 9’)
– Draped back wall and draped (short) side walls
– Skirted table and 2 chairs (more tables can be provided for booths larger than 10’x10′)
– 7” x 44” identification sign
Electricity and wifi are not included but can be purchased through our show decorator upon acceptance of your application. The show decorator will send out an informational packet about 90 days prior to the conference with details for ordering additional services.
Complimentary registrations
Any additional registrations needed for the organization must be purchased.
Security of our attendees and ministry partners is of first concern. Each passing year brings greater security concerns from insurance companies and those who lease space. Everyone must be registered to the conference database and wear the conference-provided credential. Everyone at T4G22, including students, speakers, bookstore operators, and exhibitors, must wear their wristbands to access the exhibit hall, plenary sessions, and breakout sessions. In short, the policy is “No wristband, no access.” If the conference sells out, no additional slots will be opened for anyone, including ministry partners. Is there good news? Yes! All resources (i.e., free book giveaways and talks) will be available to everyone with a wristband.
Digital Exhibit Hall
Includes a video (approved by T4G), four-sentence description, and up to three links residing at
Technical Requirements:
– Video: Keep the video under three minutes and send us the video via a YouTube or Vimeo URL.
– Description: 375 Characters maximum
– Links: Please provide the link and wording for the website copy (what the link looks like on the webpage).
Conference app (iOS and Android)
Includes description and one link. For Major Sponsors, premium exposure that includes a link to a landing page of your choice.
Promotional video
Three minute video highlighting sponsor to be played prior to a main session or coming out of a session break.
Conference Wristband Ad Booklet
T4G distributes the conference admission wristband and an advertising booklet (8.5” x 5.5”) in advance of the conference to every attendee (14,000 in 2020). A maximum of 15 ads (full page only) will be accepted.
Conference Guide Ad
A conference guide (9” x 6”) is distributed to every attendee upon entering the KFC Yum! Center at the beginning of the conference and provides information regarding meal options, schedule, directions, and printed sheet music for all music sung throughout the conference. A maximum of 20 ads (full page only) will be accepted.
IMAG Revolving Slide
Slides (1920 x 1080 pixels) are projected onto the main stage large screens 30 minutes before and after all plenary sessions and on all KFC Yum! Center monitors throughout the building.
Mid-Level sponsorship area (choose one)
1. Conference App: The conference app will provide all of the information attendees will need to navigate the conference (e.g. maps, schedule, speaker bios, and more). The app sponsor logo will appear on the opening page and/or as a banner ad (non-hyperlinked).
2. Survey Table: In an effort to learn more about registrants, T4G will conduct a survey in exchange for a free book. Sponsorship will include a co-branding of the booth and an opt-in survey question that allows T4G to share attendee contact information with the sponsor. Sponsor exhibit booth will be adjacent to the survey booth to increase traffic.
3. Livestream: Includes a hyperlinked ad to sponsor webpage placed directly under the T4G livestream video player. Sponsorship acknowledged from the main stage each day of the conference.
4. Breakouts: There are two breakout sessions in the afternoon of day two of the conference. This sponsor will be promoted during the breakouts and acknowledged from the main stage before breakout sessions.