Church Planting as a Means of Evangelism
How exactly does the church the multiply? How are disciples made? Who do we preach the gospel to? Leonce Crump looks at Acts 9:31 to answer these questions as he discusses what the evangelistic implications for local churches are today.
Leonce Crump is the Elder for Vision, Preaching and Leadership at Renovation Church in Atlanta, GA. Originally from Louisiana and raised Roman Catholic, Leonce began following Jesus at age 16. He is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma and holds Masters degrees in Criminal Justice, with a focus on Case Law (University of Tennessee), Missional Leadership (Resurgence Theological Training Center), and is currently finishing his Masters of Divinity at Reformed Theological Seminary. At Oklahoma he was an All-American wrestler and played defensive end on the Sooner football team. After college he competed to make the world team in wrestling, played professional football for the New Orleans Saints and coached collegiate wrestling. In 2006, he felt called to plant a church and through prayerful seeking of direction settled on the under-served area of downtown Atlanta. Leonce and his wife, Breanna, have lived in Atlanta for over 4 years, and have two daughters.
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Léonce Crump Jr., is an author, international speaker, and the founder and lead pastor of Renovation Church in Atlanta. In 2006, Crump answered God’s call to relocate from Tennessee to Atlanta and begin the process of planting Renovation Church. He details the obstacles he and his family faced and the revelations he uncovered during this process in Renovate: Changing Who You Are by Loving Where You Are (Multnomah Books, Feb. 16, 2016). He has been in ordained ministry for nine years and holds graduate degrees from the University of Tennessee and Resurgence Theological Training Center. He is currently a Master of Divinity student at Reformed Theological Seminary and a member of the Acts 29 church planting network. He and his wife, Breanna, reside in the heart of downtown Atlanta with their two daughters and son.