By God’s grace, we have had the privilege at each of our conferences to give away books that we trust and recommend for pastors and church leaders. Our prayer is that these books would introduce you to faithful voices and publishers, and that these resources would equip you in the great task of serving the church.
The Life of Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Murray
The Conviction to Lead, Mohler
Read/Mark/Learn: John
Read/Mark/Learn: Romans
The Greatest Fight in the World, Spurgeon
From Heaven He Came and Sought Her, Gibson/Gibson
The Unadjusted Gospel, T4G speakers
Expositional Preaching, Helm
Evangelism, Stiles
Holman Christian Standard Bible
Theology of the Reformers, George
Stepping Out in Faith, Gilbert
Is God Anti-Gay?, Allberry
Gospel At Work, Traeger/Gilbert