Preaching and Teaching
Plenary Talks
At Together for the Gospel 2020, we are welcoming four new plenary speakers — Richard Chin, Ed Moore, Trip Lee, and Greg Gilbert — for a total of 11 main talks.
“Pastoral Calling” H.B. Charles
“A Gospel Imperative” Richard Chin
“The Accounting We Shall Give: What Pastors Should Expect at the Day of Judgment” Mark Dever
“The Non-Neutrality of our Methods of Ministry” Kevin DeYoung
“The Gospel-Shaped Church” Ligon Duncan
“What is and isn’t the Gospel?” Greg Gilbert
“The Beauty of the Gospel” Trip Lee
“How the Gospel Glorifies God” Albert Mohler
“Encouraging the Pastor” Ed Moore
“Preaching the Gospel as Expounding the Whole Bible” John Piper
“Shepherd the Flock of God” David Platt
We love faithful preaching and we love to talk about faithful preaching. Each session will conclude with a panel discussion to review the talks together.
In addition to the main talks, attendees can choose two of the 28 breakout sessions on a variety of topics in ministry and theology.

We love to sing—together. For this reason, we keep the accompaniment mere in order to accentuate the voices as we declare the truths of God through both old and new hymns.
At T4G20, we will be led in singing by Matt Merker who has written several well-loved hymns, including “He Will Hold Me Fast” and “A Christian’s Daily Prayer.”

T4G offers a unique opportunity to meet and interact with like-minded leaders from around the world. We gather together to form and nurture life-long friendships across denominational lines.

Zero Dollar Books
We aim to serve pastors by helping them build a library that will inform their own minds and hearts and bear fruit in their teaching.
At T4G18, we gave each attendee over 4,500 pages of our favorite books for ministry leaders. We are in the final stages of crafting a list of books to give each attendee at T4G20. Our prayer is that the impact of this conference extends beyond the sound of the last speaker’s talk.
“You may want to bring an extra suitcase to hold all of the books.”
T4G offers thousands of titles in a curated bookstore covering 30,000 square feet. 10ofThose, our bookstore partner, has negotiated significant discounts that are only available during the three-day conference.