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Clint Humfrey
Clint has been the senior pastor of Calvary Grace Church since it was planted in 2006. He is a Lead Mentor for Union School of Theology and a Council Member for The Gospel Coalition Canada. Clint and his wife Christel live with their three sons near Calgary, Canada.
Paul Martin
Paul Martin is the senior pastor of Grace Fellowship Church in Toronto, Ontario. After leading the plant in 2000, he was involved in helping three other churches start in the city. He hopes to be involved in launching many more. His passion for training leaders has led him to teach at local seminaries, as well as oversee a long-standing mentoring program for potential future pastors. His love for the kind of Gospel cooperation modelled by his hero, George Whitefield, inspired his work with the Grace Connexion, the Hogtown Baptist Pastors’ Fellowship, the Toronto Gospel Alliance, 9Marks, and The Gospel Coalition Canada. His zeal for the preaching of God’s Word has led to work with The Charles Simeon Trust. His affection for the disabled community, especially after disability entered his family through his son, has given him opportunities to speak for The Elisha Foundation and the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. It also prompted his zeal to protect the unborn and work closely with a local pregnancy care centre. He has been married to Susan for nearly 30 years and loves to spend time with their four children. Sadly, he is a pathetically loyal fan of the Toronto Maple Leafs and remembers well the last time they won the Stanley Cup. He was 10 months old.
Ryan Fullerton
Ryan Fullerton was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and grew up all over western Canada. Throughout his teen years, he pursued political causes to make him feel righteous, and then drugs and sex to make him feel happy. Thankfully, when he was 21 he found his righteousness was a joke and his happiness had turned sour. Through the simple and intelligent witness of his step-mom, he came to trust Jesus Christ late in the evening just before Good Friday in 1995. Shortly after his conversion, he studied at Prairie Bible College in Three Hills, Alberta, and then at Tyndale College in Toronto, Ontario. In Toronto, Ryan worked in an inner city church under the leadership of Dr. Stephen Beck. He also met the lovely Christy Joy Teal who became Christy Joy Fullerton shortly after their graduation from college. The next eight years were a whirlwind and included drilling for oil, pastoring a church in a town with a population of 311, having four children (Jordana, Luke, James, and Christopher), starting seminary, stopping seminary, and becoming the Lead Pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church in Louisville, KY.