What Then Should We Sing?
What kinds of songs and music best fulfill Colossians 3:16? In this breakout session, musicians, who both write music and lead music in their church, gather to discuss the purpose of song in the individual’s Christian life and in the life of the church. How are songs “little theology lessons”? Why did God give us song in the first place?
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Bob Kauflin
Bob Kauflin is director of Sovereign Grace Music. He equips pastors and musicians in the theology and practice of congregational worship and serves as a pastor at Sovereign Grace Church in Louisville, Kentucky. He writes at worshipmatters.com and is author of True Worshipers: Seeking What Matters to God. Bob and his wife, Julie, have six children and a growing number of grandchildren.
Keith Getty
Keith Getty occupies a unique space in the world of music today as a preeminent modern hymn writer. Keith and his wife Kristyn have written hymns that are used increasingly both in contemporary and traditional circles, being included in most modern hymnbooks (with a number of these now listing “Getty” as the most-featured composers), while in the more contemporary church, more than 60 of their songs are featured on top 2,000 CCLI charts between the UK and USA. Keith and Kristyn live between Northern Ireland and Nashville with their daughters, Eliza Joy, Charlotte, and Grace.
Matt Boswell
Matt Boswell is a pastor at Providence Church in Frisco, Texas, and hosts the Doxology & Theology Conference, a biennial conference focused on corporate worship.
Matt Merker
Matt Merker is Director of Creative Resources and Training for Getty Music. Matt has contributed to several modern hymns, including “He Will Hold Me Fast.” He is the author of the book Corporate Worship: The Church Gathers as God's People. Matt and his wife, Erica, are members of Trinity Church and live in Nashville, TN with their two children.