Sovereign Grace Churches
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Ian McConnell
Ian serves as Lead Pastor at Covenant Community Church (Philadelphia, PA). One of Ian’s main shepherding responsibilities at Covenant is the proclamation of the Word. He also serves as Director of Church Planting & Mission for Sovereign Grace Churches promoting and coordinating church planting domestically by working with our Regional Leaders and Regional Church Planting Committees as they assess, equip, and deploy church planters.
Jeff Purswell
Jeff serves as a pastor at Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville. As Director of Theology and Training for Sovereign Grace Churches, Jeff is dean of the Pastors College, leads pastoral and theological training, and is responsible for seeing that ordination standards and testing are in place to serve Regional Ordination Committees.
Mark Prater
Mark is Executive Director of Sovereign Grace Churches ensuring the successful operation of the Leadership Team through leadership, strategic planning, support, evaluation, and communication and leading using our mission to plant and build churches with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Mark has served as an elder at Covenant Fellowship Church since 2002. In 1996, he helped plant a church where he served as senior pastor until 2002.