The Future of the Asian American Church: Protesting the Status Quo
How do we think through second-generation ministries? How might we steward cultural and ethnic resources well for the advancement of the gospel? Join several brothers as they discuss what needs to come to an end in the Asian-American Church—the exaltation of culture over the gospel—and what needs to begin to encourage a global gospel work.
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Geoff Chang
Geoff Chang serves as Assistant Professor of Church History and Historical Theology and the Curator of the Spurgeon Library at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary . He is a graduate of The University of Texas at Austin (B.B.A.), The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div.). Most recently, he completed his Ph.D. at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he wrote his dissertation on Charles H. Spurgeon’s ecclesiology. Prior to Midwestern, Geoff worked as a database consultant until he discerned a call to ministry. Since leaving the business world, he has served on the ministry staff at Houston Chinese Church (Houston, TX) and Capitol Hill Baptist Church (Washington, DC), and most recently as associate pastor at Hinson Baptist Church (Portland, OR).
Jeff Jue
Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Jue (PhD, University of Aberdeen) is provost and executive vice president at Westminster Theological Seminary. Dr. Jue also holds the Stephen Tong Chair of Reformed Theology and is associate professor of church history. Dr. Jue’s academic and teaching interests include modern church history and globalization. For those who are new to Dr. Jue’s work on these interests, he recommends several resources as places to start. On church history, he would recommend starting with his work on Joseph Mede, Heaven Upon Earth: Joseph Mede (1586–1638) and the Legacy of Millenarianism, or his contribution to These Last Days: A Christian View of History. Also consider his TGC article, “Living for the New Heaven and New Earth.”
Jeremy Yong
Jeremy Yong is senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Hacienda Heights in Hacienda Heights, California. He came to faith through the witness of his parents and the Asian-American church in which he grew up. He felt called into the ministry while attending Biola University. Jeremy went on to earn his MDiv and DMin from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has served at churches in Dubai (United Arab Emirates), Louisville, and Washington, D.C., and has had the privilege to serve as adjunct theology professor at Biola University. Jeremy and his wife, Melanie, have four children.
Julius Kim
Julius Kim has been professor of Practical Theology at Westminster Seminary California since 2000, teaching courses in homiletics, cross-cultural missions, pastoral ministry and the history of preaching. He is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America and serves as Associate Pastor of New Life Presbyterian Church in Escondido. He is the author of several books and articles, including a new preaching textbook from Zondervan entitled, Preaching the Whole Counsel of God: Design and Deliver Gospel-Centered Sermons. He has also contributed to several study Bibles, including the Gospel Transformation Bible from Crossway. He and his wife Ji Hee, a WSC alumna, along with their two daughters, Emma and Phoebe, reside in Escondido.
Won Kwak
Won Kwak has served both bi-vocationally and non-vocationally as a pastor in Flushing [Queens, NY], Somerset [NJ], Rutherford [NJ], and Park Slope [Brooklyn, NY]. In 2005, he was commissioned as a Nehemiah Church Planter with the North American Mission Board. He is a graduate of Rutgers University and Union University [TN], and he’s also received extensive church planting training with Redeemer City to City. He moved his family to the Greater Fort Lee, NJ area for the purpose of leading and loving this church-planting mission.